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In 1999 the D’Alema government introduced a limit on foreign students, no one criticized

“In 1999, with the government D’Alema and Minister Berlinguer, the reformist left wanted to introduce a limit on foreign students per class to allow them to integrate better. No one raised any criticism”, the Minister of Education and Merit, Giuseppe Valditara, notes in X, repeating a Tg4 report on the topic. “Today, the left instead shows itself to be ideological and maximalist, a supporter of the ghetto classes, thus denying any possibility of effective integration. Today – he concludes – we are the ones who are on the side of the Constitution and the reformist spirit, to guarantee a real right to study and the inclusion of new citizens”.

On the day dedicated to autism, Valditara highlighted that “the Ministry of Education and Merit, like other institutional buildings, was lit up in blue, the symbolic color of World Autism Awareness Day. A way to raise everyone’s awareness of autism spectrum disorders and the importance of a school open to differences.”

“In recent months we have hired more support teachers and approved important measures aimed at ensuring teaching continuity for those who need it most. This is the right path for authentic inclusion, to ensure all children have a full and satisfying life,” she concluded.

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